Our Dual View Case Assessment
Software Tools & Resource Packages
30-Minute Case EvaluatorThe 30-Minute Case Evaluator enables the client or lawyer to conduct a quick back-of-the-envelope assessment of the financial value and risks of a lawsuit from each side's perspective at any point in the litigation process.
The toolkit is ideal for Early Case Assessment, when the user has limited evidence but a basic grasp of both the plaintiff's and defendant's stories. Like all Win Before Trial case assessment tools, the 30-Minute Case Evaluator walks the user through our proprietary Dual View Case Assessment, generating insights into how the other side likely sees the case as well as advantages and disadvantages of an early negotiated resolution. |
The Mediator's AssistantWe built The Mediator's Assistant to help mediators and their clients assess the financial value/risk of lawsuits more accurately, avoid positional bargaining impasse, and get better outcomes with less time and money.
The package features our proprietary Dual View Case Assessment™ and includes - worksheets for attorneys on each side, - case value & risk analysis tools, - model jury instructions, - checklists, and - other resources. |